Thursday, March 20

Day Eight: Kisitu Village

Today we were in the company of the organization TASAF, "Tanzania
Social Action Fund." This is a government owned association focused
on the people sector. Dr. Likwelile, CEO - as well as a senior
lecturer at Univ of Dar Es Salaam, and his team told us how they
empower communities, focus on improving the quality of life, and they
also work to stimulate demand at the local/micro levels so that
communities can benefit from macro-opportunities.

Right now TASAF is in the middle of a 5 year initiative with a budget
of $178.5 million.

TASAF is demand driven and follows a bottom-up approach, training
people who are below the poverty line or otherwisevulnerable.

Picture: Sewing & Knitting group

1 comment:

Today: In Seven said...

Hello, I just stumbled into your blog and must say that what you do, in my opinion, is better than any charity. I hope to help people in the same manner someday as well. Keep up the good job! Will be back to read more.